Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Favorite Things

It's amazing how simple things can really brighten your day or make you smile.

Here are a few of mine:
  • The Your DeKalb Farmer's Market in general (see my January 5, 2008 posting)
  • Fresh flowers (often bought from the YDFM)
  • Fresh (and affordable) produce
  • Pencil skirts
  • Thrift store bargains, such as pencil skirts
  • Ebay finds (recently Crest White Strips Premium for $15 including shipping while they retail for $34.99 at your local Wal-Mart)
  • Ross (Dress for Less!)
  • Digital cameras and the fun moments captured by them
  • Girlfriends (wonderful ones at that)
  • Sleepovers and the friends that host them
  • Dogs roaming my office
  • Craft projects (upcoming: wedding programs)
  • Project Runway and its great fan blog
  • Friends' and colleagues' blogs 
"And these are a few of my favorite things..."

Pictured here is a $3.99 bunch of lilies from the farmer's market.


Mego said...

Julia and I recently listed 'a few of our favorite things' which is how i also learned she has never seen the sound of music.
a few things on my list: kitties, tilapia, rainbows, john van cleave (patrick's hot friend) your list is much deeper than mine. ah ha!

K_Streams_Her_C said...

I love your list as well! And Julia should definitely see that movie. She'll fall in love as well!

DTPfromATL said...

i forgot to tell you that i went to the dekalb farmers market last thursday, and you were right, it was amazing. i also took just about every recommendation you made; bought fresh flowers, ravioli and tomato sage sauce! so thanks for the very detailed and helpful blog :)