Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So Dan (the husband) has a best friend named James. James has a blog he doesn't update often that's located here. But that's beside the point...

James had a funny story for me yesterday. It goes something like this (I'm paraphrasing, so forgive me.)

James: So I've been in a training thing all week long.

Katy: okay?

James: And there's this girl in my training that looks SO much like you. I kept looking at her through the whole training, thinking about how much she looks like you.

Katy: yeah?

James: So I know it probably sounded creepy and weird, but I asked her if I could take a picture of her.

Here's the mysterious girl from James' training.

Here I am.

Katy: You're crazy! (Okay, maybe I didn't say that out loud...)

James: I told her that she looked SO much like one of my best friends' wives that it was crazy. So, we're talking and she asked me where my friend lives.

Katy: Okay (wondering what the punch line is)

James: So I tell her that my friend lives in Atlanta. Then she asks me what my friend's name is. So I tell her that his name is Dan.

Katy: yeah?

James: And this girl says, "wait, what? Dan as in Katy and Dan, Dan?"

Katy: WHAT?!?

James: Then she says, "Well, I guess it makes sense that we look alike... because she's my freaking first cousin."


Yep, James randomly met my cousin Bradley, my mom's sister's daughter, who was visiting from Tampa for a training. What are the freaking odds? Crazy!


annabeck said...

I love this story and you guys look even more alike now that you have similar haircuts!

Kb_Mal said...

Anna, it's those wingfield genes!

Cariad Photography said...

THAT is toooooooooo funny, she even wears her hair like small is the world :)

Lindsay said...

This is so funny! It's a small world. I love that he actually talked with her to find out the connection. What are the odds that you would have similar hair-cuts and glasses? I don't really look like my cousins but your mom looks so much like her siblings than my mom :)

Mb said...

That's pretty crazy! I look nothing like my cousins so this would never happen.

Unknown said...

As the mom of Bradley, the aunt of Katy, and the sister of Katy's mother, I definitely LOVE this story!

Kb_Mal said...

It is a crazy story!

Kate said...

katy how do these things happen to you?!!!

Mego said...

love love love!

Erica said...

That is awesome and hilarious.

Lindsay said...

This is extra awesome and extra hilarious, I am so glad I stopped by your blog during my blah Tuesday afternoon lull for a quick laugh...except I snickered thinking I was on mute when I wasn't...oooops!!

Unknown said...
